Aligned Billing & Coding is made up of a diverse team of highly intelligent and energetic people. We enjoy challenges and believe the patient-doctor-payer relationship is uniquely challenging. Unlike other doctors, a patient may see their chiropractor or physical therapist 3 times a week. We initially thought that simply being an awesome medical biller was enough but quickly saw that sending out charges that weren’t supported by detailed notes resulted in some payments, but also resulted in denials because those notes didn’t survive review when the payers requested them. And once one set of bad notes were sent and rejected by the payer, payers start asking for more and more and eventually, an entire major insurance company may stop paying altogether. It may even result in an audit.
We have developed a process and a document set that align the efforts of insurance verification specialists, scribes, billers, coders, and you, the doctor into alignment from patient to payment.
It takes the whole team and the whole process, but it is well worth it.